Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day in the Campground

Campers were greeted this Memorial Day weekend to an array of American Flags at the entrance way to The Vineyards Campground.

Memorial Day campers were given American Flags as they checked in for the weekend. As many set aside this last Monday in May to honor family members who gave their lives for our great country, we did too.

The Foxx family—Fred and Fiona, along with Blush and Stomper, joins with all of us today as we take time to remember the sacrifice it has taken to establish and maintain this great Nation of ours. God Bless America!

Our Own Version of Ameican Idol --- Karoke Night

What a great Saturday night on the campground with music hosted by our longtime RVers—Joni and Delton Jones. They brought all of their karoke equipment out to Hummingbird Station and set up a stage to entertain Vineyards campers. And that's exactly what they grand Texas style.

More than 50 campers came out to watch the sing-a-long, and some were brave enough to share the stage with Joni and entertain the crowd as well. Joni sang many great songs, and others of all ages did as well. But no one did this year's favorite American Idol song —"Pants on the Ground" (?)

We've already had requests for a repeat performance, so we hope to schedule the Jones again in the Fall when they return to the campground. Thanks again Joni and Delton!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Campground Staff Rescues Great Blue Heron

"Sometimes you are lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time!" share Vineyards workampers John and Kay Tork. "We were cleaning the shoreline when I walked up on a limp bird, all huddled up in a ball," says Tork. "I was afraid we'd lost the Heron in the hot sun."

Somehow, the Great Blue Heron had enough strength to make it back to shore yesterday, towing a large catfish he'd caught. "It looked like the catfish—stuck in the Heron's bill—had completely worn out the starving Heron by wriggling and trying to get loose."

Remarkably, after being rescued by Torks, the Heron safely returned to the shores of Grapevine Lake, roaming freely about this weekend.

The bird was identified as a breeding adult Great Blue Heron, and during the March to November breeding season, Grapevine Lake has large numbers of migrants fly in and join the local resident Herons. The Great Blue's are one of the favorites of many bird watchers on our campground.

Dr. Ray Chancellor, head of the Southlake Ornithological Society, was also on site to photograph the heron and advised on rescue efforts. He said that there was a great posibility that this bird was fishing to feed its young in a nest nearby the campground.

The heron mistook the 4-foot tow rope that had been thrown into the lake as food. And in the process of trying to get it out of the water, the rope tightly knotted around the heron's lower bill, putting the bird's life in great peril. The bird would have starved to death (as well as the nesting family it was feeding) if the Torks had not come to the rescue.

Dr. Chancellor reports that the last few years he has seen trash dumped around the lake grow exponentially. "If I may, I must encourage everyone to protect this wonderful wildlife area we have here in Grapevine and never leave trash behind; dispose of it properly. Always follow the sportsman's creed and leave the land better than you found it. That is the only way we can leave a wonderful legacy of our natural resources to future generations."

Friday, May 28, 2010

We're Moving Dirt Now!

The time has come! Cooper General Contractors began moving dirt this week. "First, we started digging out three new RV spaces on the campground in what we are calling Area 1 on the west side," reports Fred Foxx, project manager.

"We've also installed temporary silt fencing, which is a required sediment control device we use to protect the water quality of Grapevine Lake during any rainy days we might have during construction."

Some of the electrical conduit has been installed as well. Cooper's construction crew will take Memorial Day off, returning Tuesday to begin pouring concrete pads for the planned three new RV sites. As the week goes on, Cooper will move into Area 2, and begin clearing the ground for seven new cabin sites, as well.

"This coming week—the first week in June—will be the first time the Front Office may need to relocate current campers to other sites due to construction," shares Foxx. "We have a good communications program in place to inform and work with present and future guests about possible site moves needed during this construction."

"And here's a shout out to my new friend in the Front Office—Dan Green—for photographing construction work each week for you to see the progress ... great job my friend! So, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask the Front Office or me. We are working hard to improve the campground for you."

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Looking for Home Sweet Home

Fiona Foxx spent the weekend at the campground, looking for the right place to settle the Foxx family. She visited with many Sisters on the Fly staying at the campground, and tried to peek in a few trailers to see if that's the kind of spot for the family.

But after taking a walk leisurely down Silver Lake Trail, she and Fred decided that living in the evironmentally protected area behind Hummingbird Station might be the best space. After all, living in a forest is more familiar to them, and the pups can run and play in the woods without worrying. So if you tiptoe softly down Silver Lake Trail behind the laundry room...keep your eyes open for signs of the Foxx Family.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Chillin' Grillin' and Thrillin' — Outdoor Adventure Days!

For those that enjoy an active lifestyle...we have the perfect, sports-focused outdoor festival this weekend just 5-minutes away from the campground! This year's Main Street Outdoor Adventure Days starts on Friday, May 21 and goes all weekend long in downtown historical Grapevine.

It's the perfect family outing... and remember its FREE for the whole family on FRIDAY until 5pm! Tickets are available for the rest of the weekend at all entry gates.

Our guests and their families will have the opportunity to watch or particpate in many outdoor sports as well. All kinds of sports vendors will be set up on the street and at the Train Depot showcasing every outdoor sport you can imagine: BMX Stunt Show, Quad Bungee Jumps, Skriders Trampoline Show, Kayaking Races, Grilling Competition, and Scuba Diving. Bring towels, and try every event!

Plus you can eat your way up and down the Midway, while listening to really rockin' live music. Then come back to campground and relax!

The Campgrounds - Getting Better Every Day

Joe Moore and newly hired Construction Project Manager Fred Foxx have been meeting regularly since his family's arrival on the Grapevine Vintage Railroad the first of May. Moore and Foxx have been working on final details for the campground's renovation and expansion plans.

The Grapevine City Council approved final plans for upgrading the park this month, and Cooper General Contractors are putting the finishing touches on the design, and orchestrating work schedules as well.

"We will do our very best to make everyone's stay at The Vineyards as comfortable and enjoyable as possible during the summer," assures Foxx. " Please know that you—our guests—are our Number One concern during renovations!"

Stay tuned... Mr. Foxx will report often on renovations at the park.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Pinata Time

Many enjoyed the Cinco de Mayo celebration at the campground last Friday night. Many children got to see what a pinata was all about --- Blindfolded and holding a big stick---children of all ages had great fun trying break open the pinata. It didn't take long for the candy come tumbling out for all to enjoy. Chips and dips were followed a visit from our great friends at KONA ICE. Those tropical shaved icees are the best on a hot and sunny afternoon on the campground.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Staycations: A Great Value Again This Year!

The Fort Worth Business Press, one of the leaders in news, events and business trends in North Texas, recently noted that The Vineyards Campground as a strong indicator of business activity in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.

Aleshia Howe reported that the "staycation" trend will be just as popular, if not more so, this year as many families and vacation travelers look for places to visit near by in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.
"There are seven million people in the area and 18 percent of those have a travel trailer or an RV," says Joe Moore, assistant director of Grapevine Parks and Rec. "With the cost of gas and the overall cost of living, folks don't want to drive to Colorado. They go for the "staycation." Plus, the Metroplex has a lot to offer in the way of major entertainment and recreation for famlies.

Read what Howe, Moore, and Texas Association of Campground Owners CEO Brian Schaeffer have to say about The Vineyards Campground. Then give us a call, and make a reservation. We'll be looking for you...

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Stand Up and Paddle on Grapevine Lake

Stand Up Paddle Boarding is becoming one of the fastest growing water sports in North Texas. On a recent demonstration at The Vineyards Campground, Penni and Kevan Burt of SUPATX gave our guests a chance to see what stand up paddling (SUP) was all about.

Though Grapevine Lake is well-known for all kinds of water sports, especially kayaking and skiing, the Burts are confident that stand up paddling will be added to the list of favorites very soon. "It's a sport that all ages can enjoy!" says Burt.

Commonly called "SUP" — a stand up paddle board is a larger, wider version of a surfboard; only made with more volumn so it floats better. It's covered in a special non-slip material to help with barefoot traction. Using a long paddle, one can easily propel themselves through the lake with great ease. SUPATX offers personal training with each lesson before letting paddlers go out on their own. In addition, the new sport offers an amazing work-out for building the core muscles, as well as arm strength and body alignment.

Watch our monthly newsletter—The VINELINE—for paddle boarding classes coming soon to the shores of The Vineyards Campground.

Monday, May 03, 2010

We All Scream for Ice Cream

Mister Softee returned to the campground this weekend and made his rounds, serving soft, smooth twisty ice creams cones to all. The favorite seemed to be vanilla and chocolate swirled together in cones, bringing big smiles to young and young-at-heart.
We even had a new 'twist' on ice cream serving. Someone brought a big slice of warm apple pie, and had Mister Softee put their scoop of ice cream right on top of the pie instead of in a regular cone! Looks pretty good, huh?