Monday, August 30, 2010

Moving Fast...

"There was barely time to stop today for a photo, as our Cooper Construction team members were ready and rolling early this morning," says Fred Foxx, project manager for the campground improvement plan.

The east side of the campground is looking terms of accomplishments the crew is making. Dirt is being moved quickly to make pathways and carve out new RV sites, so there is lots of equipment and trucks on the campground today.

Several newly leveled sites had concrete pours last weekend, and they are setting up nicely this morning. "It looks like there will be a lot of work done before this coming Labor Day weekend," says Fred, "so our campers will have a great time with us."

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Our 'Hummer' Friends are Real Happy!

After re-filling the feeders today at Hummingbird Station on the campground, birdlover David Parsons reports that it only took about five-minutes before seven hummingbirds swarmed in for lunch!

Buzzing each other, and flying back and forth to nearby trees, these hummingbirds are quite entertaining. "There were two females and five males drinking intermittently for several minutes near the laundry room," said David, "and they were putting on quite an aerial show."

An adult hummingbird may eat twice its body weight in food each day. In turn, their high metabolism rate burns it up quickly in order to sustain rapid wing beats and those fly-by acrobatic movements. "We see a lot of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds on the campground; and they visit the flowers folks put out by their RVs too," shares David. "The males have the striking red throats, and females do not; so it's easy to identify them."

Black-chinned Hummingbirds visit here as well - but you have to look quickly to catch a glimpse of them. The best place to see the tiny birds may be at Hummingbird Station; come sit at the picnic tables with your binoculars and watch them feed now through October.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thanks Heritage Lions!

Thank you friends...we could not have put all of these tables together without the help from the Grapevine Heritage Lions Club!
Giving up your Saturday to work on this project for us was most appreciated...

During campground construction the last few months, many sites have been leveled so that concrete driveways and patios can be poured. And soon, these newly assembled picnic tables will be delivered to those individual sites for installation thanks to the day-long efforts of the Heritage Lions Club.

Starting really early in the day to beat the Texas heat, the group unloaded, then assembled dozens of picnic tables. The service project took most of the day, and this outstanding effort was greatly appreciated by the campground. Tables will be soon be moved and bolted to cement patios as RV sites become ready.

If you'd like to join the Heritage Lions Club, they meet on the 1st and 3rd Monday nights at 6:30pm at the Bessie Mitchell House in Grapevine. They are well-known in the community and support many charities and special events throughout the area, as well as internationally. For more information, please visit their website.

Thanks again Heritage Lions for a job well done!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Number One Request - Level Sites

"The number one request we see most often on Guest Review surveys from our campers is for level sites," says Fred Foxx, construction project manager.

"Of course, when our guests speak up about something they'd like fixed, be assured that we will always look into it. And, so leveling sites was at the top of our list on this improvement project."

Cooper Construction crews are using all kinds of heavy equipment and shovels to move dirt and gauge the width and depth of each site. Many of the sites will be lengthened a little to accommodate RV sizes and improve off-road access as well. "Several sites on the east side are now ready for concrete pours, which will happen next week, as well." says Fred.

MORE GOOD NEWS: Additional work next week will include testing the lift stations on completed sites. The RV sites on the west side are now connected to the lift stations and are online, and working. Do I hear applause? And it get's better: The campground will NOT be charging for new sewer connections until January 1, 2011, on any of the old sites that did not have sewer beforehand.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Going September

Newly completed sites on the west side of the campground are now getting prepared for new sod installation. The pallets of sod that should have arrived this week, have been postponed because the Texas heat. It will a few more weeks before the temperature drops and then, we will be green once again!

While each improved site on the west side has been carefully raked and leveled, Cooper Construction crews are outside watering each daily to encourage native grasses to sprout and take hold.

"The soil we've put down is very fine so it sticks to tires and tennis shoes very easily," says Project Manager Fred Foxx. Fred urges all campers to watch where they walk; and especially where they drive.

"This Texas dirt will stick to anything! And my wife Fiona tells me it's hard to get it off of little feet and shoes. So, it's best not to cut corners, walk or drive through it—just stay on the paved roads when you can."

"And here's a big 'hat's off' to this family of campers who managed to keep ALL of their bicycles out of the dirt this weekend."

We really appreciated that extra effort! The campground will continue to spread new dirt ove the next few weeks, as well as repair common areas within the campground that need upgrading. The new grasses will follow soon in September when its cooler, so know that we appreciate your patience and support throughout the whole campground improvement project. We know you will be pleased with the results...

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Improvements Begin on East Side of Campground

Campers will begin to see some of their favorite sites, like old pull-thru #3 on the East side of the campground, change right before their eyes these next few weeks.

Old asphalt is being scrapped and torn up in these familiar sites, making way for new construction. Cooper Construction Company crews are working systematically around the streets to neatly pile up the debris, then load it off—making way for new site preparation.
"We want to thank our guests for being so patient and understanding throughout the process," says Project Manager Fred Foxx from atop the tractor. "We've been able to easily relocate folks in the park, and really appreciate their willingness to help us out during this improvement project. Some of the families are moving near the Pavilion and playground area in the P-sites for a short time, until we get the East side completely re-opened."

Friday, August 06, 2010

Take a Survey: Children in Nature

While Fred Foxx is out working on the campground today, his wife, Fiona, decided to join other campers online and participate in a grassroots effort to develop a new Texas policy, upgrading the quality of life for our kids.

Many citizens want to place a greater importance on getting children outdoors more often in Texas. And there are ways to provide them with fun, healthy experiences in nature around the state.

Please take a few minutes to express your opinions in this online survey offered by the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department before the end of August. Your input is welcome.

"We are working closely with an important new public/private task force called The Texas Partnership for Children in Nature," says Joe Moore, assistant director of Grapevine Parks and Recreation. "Input from our campers will be really valuable for Texas Parks & Wildlife in formulating a strategic plan to bring more outdoor, nature experiences into the lives of more than 6.7 million children in Texas."

"The survey will only take a minute or two to fill out...and will benefit many children, not only here but across the nation. Others will see the value of enjoying and spending time outdoors, as well as the improved physical health in our youth," assures Moore.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Great Fishing Dock and Fresh Produce in Grapevine

This week we ran into very special guests on the campgrounds' new Fishing Pier —the Morehead family from Keller, Texas. We are used to seeing the family at the city's Farmers Market in downtown historical Grapevine every weekend.

While managing operations there, the Moreheads make sure customers have a sample of the delicious and fresh produce they sell—including peaches, tomatoes, strawberries, watermelons, honey, etc. "After a busy weekend of selling local Texas produce, The Vineyards has everything else we need to relax," says Racquel Morehead.

"We decided to stay close to home for a family vacation this month. It's just perfect after working downtown off Main Street. We can be here in our cabin in 5-minutes and unwind for a few days." The kids can bring friends, and look—the brand new fishing Pier is right across the street from the cabins, within easy walking distance. The new Pier is great, and you know, the staff is the best too."
In addition, the Morehead family has extended an invitation to all Vineyard's guest to visit them near the Gazebo at the Farmer's Market every Thrusday, Friday and Saturday from 8am-4pm until October 30.

Vist their website each week to get an up-to-date list of what fruits and vegetables are for there's a 10%-off email-coupon for Vineyards Campground guests! Now that's being right neighborly...thanks Moreheads! Come back and see us.