Sunday, August 29, 2010

Our 'Hummer' Friends are Real Happy!

After re-filling the feeders today at Hummingbird Station on the campground, birdlover David Parsons reports that it only took about five-minutes before seven hummingbirds swarmed in for lunch!

Buzzing each other, and flying back and forth to nearby trees, these hummingbirds are quite entertaining. "There were two females and five males drinking intermittently for several minutes near the laundry room," said David, "and they were putting on quite an aerial show."

An adult hummingbird may eat twice its body weight in food each day. In turn, their high metabolism rate burns it up quickly in order to sustain rapid wing beats and those fly-by acrobatic movements. "We see a lot of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds on the campground; and they visit the flowers folks put out by their RVs too," shares David. "The males have the striking red throats, and females do not; so it's easy to identify them."

Black-chinned Hummingbirds visit here as well - but you have to look quickly to catch a glimpse of them. The best place to see the tiny birds may be at Hummingbird Station; come sit at the picnic tables with your binoculars and watch them feed now through October.

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